Abstract information
Abstract and Video procedure
The official abstract and video submission is closed.
Please note that the submission constitutes a formal commitment by the authors to presenting in the session and the time assigned by the Scientific Committee.
We, therefore, recommend that submitter of an abstract/video registers for the Congress simultaneously with the abstract/video submission.
The abstracts/videos submitted via the regular submission process will be reviewed and allocated by the international panel of reviewers and the Scientific Committee. Should you have any questions regarding the abstract/video submission or guidelines, please contact registrations@congresscare.com.
Important information for the presenting author of an abstract:
If your abstract is accepted for presentation at EBA 2023, the presenting author is entitled to register for the early-bird fee. Information on how to register for the early-bird fee has been communicated to the abstract submitters end-May.
The full abstract submission terms & conditions can be downloaded here.
Video submission
The full video submission terms & conditions can be downloaded here